الخميس، 23 أبريل 2020

Board Game Pieces Inspire New Game Ideas


Board Game Pieces To Inspire You

We hope these photos inspire new game ideas and help you become more familiar with the 2,187 different board game pieces we have. Click on the images below to visit them on our site. Happy designing!

Ice Cubes Ice Cubes

Wood Cubes Wood Cubes

Crystals Crystals

Sticks Sticks

Poker Chips Poker Chips

Wood Discs Wood Discs

Meeples Meeples

Slider Clips Slider Clips

Halma Pawns Halma Pawns

Avatar Pawns Avatar Pawns

Need more inspiration?

Browse our full collection of 2,187 board game pieces, game accessories, and game upgrades.

Follow us on Instagram to see photos of new game pieces & printable components!

The Game Crafter, LLC | 2609 Seiferth Rd, Madison, WI 53716 | www.thegamecrafter.com

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إقرأ المزيد Résuméabuiyad

الخميس، 16 أبريل 2020

Portal Games US COVID-19 response


Portal Games response to COVID-19

The industry is currently facing a situation that we have never seen before. From Publishers, distributors, retailers, and customers - every participant of the hobby game industry is feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic that is sweeping the globe. But this pandemic has been particularly difficult for our Friendly Local Game Stores, and especially those that in recent years have taken the initiative of improving our industry by focusing on creating warm, welcoming, and beautiful play spaces for us to spend time in. The stores that converted sale shelves and storage into play spaces that are now empty. The threat to those game stores is tangible, and immediate.

What Portal Games is doing to support Friendly Local Game Stores

We have launched a support initiative in the US for local game stores using Kickback Codes. A store can reach out to us to receive a unique code to be used at PortalGamesUS.com. This code will grant a 10% discount to anyone that uses it, and will allow us to track the orders to the individual stores. Then at month's end, Portal Games will dedicate 40% of the sale of active products from those orders to the stores through whichever payment method is most convenient for them. The customer will receive their new games, and the stores will receive a large portion of the sale. In doing this, the stores that had to close their doors can continue to service their customers, and the customers can continue to support their stores.

If you are a customer, please reach out to your store and tell them you wish to support them through this program. If you are a store, please contact David@PortalGamesUS.com to request your code. We are here to answer any and all questions you have.

We hope that this program can provide some relief in these strained times. Thank you to everyone for everything you do to support this industry.

All the best,
The Portal Games Team

Powered by Mad Mimi®A GoDaddy® company
إقرأ المزيد Résuméabuiyad

Support Portal Games in the Golden Geek Awards today!


Support Portal Games in the Golden Geek Awards today!


Nominations on BoardGameGeek.com are open through April 17th, and Portal Games would greatly appreciate your support in making sure our games are recognized! Each game or expansion can be nominated in multiple categories.

For Board Game of the Year, we would greatly appreciate your nomination of:

PaP Cover lores
is eotn box en front
IS RollnWrite Cover

For Best Expansion of the Year, we would greatly appreciate your nomination of:

eotn japanese cover EN lores
RC-MT Cover
LACrimes box en front lores

Note: You will need an active BoardGameGeek.com account to submit nominations.

Thank you for your support! Portal Games is excited having worked on games you can enjoy and is even more thrilled to bring you new game content for the upcoming year!

Portal Games Team

Powered by Mad Mimi®A GoDaddy® company
إقرأ المزيد Résuméabuiyad

الأحد، 12 أبريل 2020

شركة "بيتش بم" - Beach Bum - لعبة شدة جديدة "رامي" خصيصاً بسبب وضع الكورونا | Gin Rummy Stars

شركة "بيتش بم" قامت بتصميم وإطلاق نسخة جديدة ورائعة للعبة الشدة "رامي" (ريمي) خصيصاً للوضع الحالي في ظل أزمة الكورونا .
وتوفر لعبة الشدة إمكانية التنافس مع العائلة والاصدقاء والناس .

Beach Bum introduce a new viral game : Gin Rummy Stars  , special for the corona lock-down period.
إقرأ المزيد Résuméabuiyad
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