That became family affair. My 17 year old daughter said "Let me try."
I gave her pass to Portal Games TikTok, she hit VPN, she posted. I looked into the data - viewers from the US.
I did the same from my mobile phone - most views Warsaw, again.
She posted another TikTok - views in the US. I posted another TikTok - views in Poland.
So now I am taking it personally. What you might notice, I started posting my TikToks on my Twitter, on my Bluesky, on my FB, on my YouTube - this is war. This is war to reach you and make my short forms reach the US, over the pond, north to Gulf of Mexico, I mean, America… ;)
Ah, one more thing - we sent Age of Galaxy to print. Pretty important and big news, but you know, this TikTok thing drives me craaazy…
Love you! Ignacy
P.S. Some spoilers? Of course! Here is a sneak peak for Age of Galaxy - the technology board: |