الأربعاء، 29 يناير 2025

Board Game Pieces To Inspire You


Board Game Pieces To Inspire You

We hope these photos inspire new game ideas and help you become more familiar with the 2,750 different board game pieces at The Game Crafter.

InFUNity Tiles (Hat Shape)
InFUNity Tiles Hat SHape

Premium: Cheese Wedge, Carrot, and Purple Grapes
Premium Cheese Wedge, Carrot, Purple Grapes

Plastic Halma Pawn
Plastic Halma Pawn

Premium White Sheaf & Wheat Bundle
Premium White Sheaf & Wheat Bundle

13mm Cube
13mm Wood Cube

Premium Present & Premium Blue Tome
Premium Present & Premium Blue Tome

Treasure Chest Container
Treasure Chest Container

Brick Tower
Brick Tower

Premium Mushroom & Premium Brown Mushroom
Premium Mushrooms

Dwarf Character Meeple (16mm) Dwarf Character Meeple

Need more inspiration?

Browse our full collection of 2,750+ board game pieces and game upgrades.

Follow us on Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube to see more board game pieces and components.

The Game Crafter, LLC | 2609 Seiferth Rd, Madison, WI 53716 | www.thegamecrafter.com

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إقرأ المزيد Résuméabuiyad

الجمعة، 24 يناير 2025

💥Guess What Happened Last Saturday? Board Games at the Stadium!⚽

Hello, this is Ignacy Trzewiczek from Portal Games...

This is Ignacy from Portal Games. Happy New Year! I am writing to you today to briefly discuss what happened last weekend at Portalcon! 

Those of you who follow us for years know that once a year, in January we run Portalcon. This is our event for fans and media to announce our plan for the whole year. We do the event at the football stadium (I am serious), we have 1000 people attending, with literally every single major news and industry outlet, all vloggers, tiktokers, everyone who works in Polish board gaming. The event is obviously focused on the Polish side of Portal Games. This weekend we announced Polish editions of such games like Mass Effect, Slay the Spire, Spirit Island, Arcs, Metal Gear Solid, Anachrony and many more! 

Each year at Portalcon we also announce titles that our development team prepared for the US market. I am very proud of our portfolio this year - for Gen con we have a science fiction card game Age of Galaxy. Fans of 51st State or Imperial Settlers will love it, because it let you play card in a different ways (so called multi-use cards mechanism). For Essen we have a true Board Game That Tell Stories, insane thematic Bohemians - in this game you are a starving artist in Paris who dreams big! And above that this year we are celebrating 20 years (yes, twenty years!!) of Neuroshima Hex - with two new insane boxes in the line, plus small expansion. 

In the following weeks I will tell you more about these games, and I cannot wait for you to meet me at conventions and have a game!

Thank you


Digital Imperial Miners

Imperial Miners is not a super complicated game, but yet, it is nice to have the app doing all the boooring work for you - it calculates your gold, your crystals, your carts and your score. It also marks all cards that were already activated in the round, so it's easier to you to see what options you have left. It also clearly marks which actions are not available for you at the moment due to the lack of resources. 

Imperial Miners is available both for your mobile device and PC! 

Take care, talk to you next week!


إقرأ المزيد Résuméabuiyad

الأحد، 19 يناير 2025

Portalcon - dziś już na spokojnie...😌

Portalcon 2025 już za nami! Dziękujemy wszystkim za udział, także ten wirtualny. 😊

Emocje jeszcze nie ostygły, podobnie jak wczorajsze przedsprzedaże! 🙉

Mamy powrót The Godfather (jedyny dodruk na świecie!), Wredną Małpę - nową, sprytną karciankę dla fanów Spicy, oraz potężną Godzillę, gotową do walki z Cthulhu!

Stań naprzeciwko najpotężniejszych mafiozów i walcz o władzę w mieście!

  • Teraz albo nigdy - gra zniknęła z rynku na długie lata, a niniejsze wydanie to jedyny na świecie dodruk, zrealizowany dzięki negocjacjom z wydawnictwem CMON

  • Rewelacyjne, klimatyczne, mafijne area control, autorstwa mistrza gatunku Erica Langa

  • Rozgrywka mocno osadzona w akcji znanej z filmu


Zamawiając grę w naszym sklepie otrzymasz bonus - talię 44 zleceń.

Kot ze Spicy, kojot… teraz czas na małpę!

  • Odkryj sprytną karciankę z zaskakującą głębią  następny krok w serii zapoczątkowanej przez Spicy

  • Pozbądź się swoich kart jako pierwszy! Zagrywaj karty o tej samej lub większej wartości, odpalaj potężne efekty zwierząt, by zmieniać karty, wymuszać ruchy i podglądać to, co zakryte!

  • Świetny tytuł zarówno dla geeków, jak i dla przygodnych graczy

TYLKO U NAS! Zamów grę w naszym sklepie, by otrzymać bonus: specjalny zestaw reguł w wariancie zaawansowanym!

Godzilla powstaje, a okropności z głębin tylko ją rozdrażniły!

  • Godzilli użyjesz w rozgrywce w każdą z gier z serii Cthulhu: Death May Die

  • Rozszerzenie w mocno limitowanej ilości, niedostępne w regularnej sprzedaży

  • Więcej atutów? No heloł! Przecież go Godzilla 😎

Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o zaplanowanych grach? Wpadaj na bloga, gdzie przeczytasz co nieco o każdej z nich!

Coś wpadło Ci w oko? Wypełnij krótką ankietę i daj znam znać, na jakie 3 gry najbardziej czekasz.

إقرأ المزيد Résuméabuiyad

🔥2025 Releases Announced!🔥

The year 2025 promises to be a special time for Portal Games as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of one of our most iconic games — Michał Oracz's Neuroshima Hex. This is not only an opportunity to look back but also a moment to introduce new projects and expand the universe of this iconic game.

☣️ 2025 - the Year of Neuroshima Hex ☣️

As part of the 20th-anniversary celebrations of Neuroshima Hex, we have prepared numerous surprises and new releases for fans. Here's what to expect in 2025:

Neuroshima Hex: Battle — a fast-paced and dynamic 2 player version of the classic gameplay. This special edition of Neuroshima Hex is a perfect intro designed for 2 players to enter the rich world of Neuroshima Hex.

 The box features the armies of Steel Police and Beasts. The Steel Police brings law and order fanatics clad in experimental power armor, with a unique Reflection ability that turns enemy attacks back on them. The Beasts represent feral survivors of Moloch's attack, introducing friendly fire mechanics and a primal, unpredictable style of play.

Both factions add unique strategies and flavor to this intense 2-player experience. The game comes with a playing mat, two armies, tokens and a new rulebook. 

Neuroshima Hex: Battle is scheduled for a June 2025 release for the US, EU and Polish market.

Neuroshima Hex — Besides a new stunning cover art and new artwork on the tiles, this version introduces new exciting modules, including:

  • Structures, which allow players to add terrain elements to the board with special rules. 

  • Leaders, which allow players to choose a commander for their army before the game, granting unique tactical advantages during the game. 

  • Battle Atlas, a scenario book where each page presents a unique tactical board with dedicated rules! Players will try to stop machines from building factory, fight in alliance against Moloch marching towards them, or fight crazy battle on the terrain of old theme park with carousel and other surprises! Inspired by renowned games such as Mandalorian, Thorgal, and Mass Effect. Battle Atlas with every page offers players unique and thematic battles in the iconic parts of the setting

Neuroshima Hex is scheduled for October 2025 release for the US, EU and Polish market.

Neuroshima Hex: Wiremen  Deep beneath the ruins of Seattle, a hidden civilization thrives in defiance of Moloch's oppressive grasp. Society forged in secrecy, uniting rebellious cyborgs, escaped mutants, and the descendants of atomic researchers. With cutting-edge cybernetic implants and stolen Moloch technologies, they wage a relentless war to survive. But at what cost? As humanity and machine merge, the line between ally and enemy blurs.

Wiremen introduces exciting new gameplay mechanics, including the innovative Technology tokens. Designed as a flexible and aggressive army with straightforward rules, Wiremen adds a bold new layer of strategy and decision-making to Neuroshima Hex. 

Neuroshima Hex: Wiremen is scheduled for October 2025 release for the US, EU and Polish market.

🚀🎨 Two Major Releases in 2025 🚀🎨

We are preparing two major releases for the most important industry events:

Age of Galaxy — a new edition of the popular strategic card game originally published by ICE Makers and designed by Jeffrey CCH.

This sf card game features over 30 unique factions, each with its abilities and strategic options. Similarly to Imperial settlers, faction cards can be played in multiple ways — in this game players can play them either integrated into their Empire or sacrifice for one-time benefits through agreements.

The game allows exploration, colonization, building a space fleet, and technological development, which can take different paths for each player, opening many routes to victory. Portal Games is introducing completely new graphic design, enhanced solo mode, and improved components to enrich the gameplay experience. 

Age of Galaxy is scheduled for a August 2025 release for the US and EU market.

Bohemians — a game by debut designer Jasper de Lange. Players take on the roles of artists wandering the streets of Paris at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, striving to create masterpieces while facing the challenges of daily life.

 Bohemians is a card game that uses deck-building mechanics, where players collect cards to find inspiration, seek muses, and manage everyday necessary tasks.. In each round players must plan their day and decide if they go for a date, take part in a social event, meet their muse, create new art, or… go to work.

The winner of the game is an artist who gathers the most Achievements from the Achievements deck - a deck that is open for everyone who has enough inspiration in their soul!

The game offers an exceptional theme and perfectly fulfills Portal Games motto "Board games that tell stories."  The prototype of Bohemians got 3 nominations and one award (Best Presentation, Best Innovation, Best Game) at Fastaval, Denmark's largest convention for board games and roleplaying games.

Bohemians is scheduled for October 2025 release for the US, EU, and Polish market.

⚔️ Crowdfunding Campaign: Race to Berlin ⚔️

In April, we will launch a crowdfunding campaign for the game Race to Berlin. The game portrays the last months of World War II in Europe, as Western Allied armies cross the borders of the Reich after forcing the Rhine and the mighty Red Army prepares for its final offensive toward Berlin.

Players take on the roles of Soviet and Allied commanders, competing to capture strategic regions of Germany and ultimately claim the capital of the Third Reich.

The game was first released in its initial edition at Essen in 2015, designed by Krzysztof Dytczak. Portal Games' edition features significantly improved components, a revised rulebook, and some rule adjustments based on the first edition's experience. You can already follow the crowdfunding campaign HERE.

Stay connected and be the first to know about our next big moves! 🎲

إقرأ المزيد Résuméabuiyad
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