الاثنين، 2 نوفمبر 2020

Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game with Game Of The Year edition

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Game of the Year edition of Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game

Portal Games is proud to announce releasing the Game of the Year edition of the award winning Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game. Thanks to the overwhelming response for the game and a worldwide success Portal Games was able to improve the basic game and add additional component to the box.

The new edition includes a set of 30 photos of character portraits, which the players can use during their investigation to make a mind map. The pictures show the suspects met throughout the game, and bring an amazing immersion to the gameplay. The set was previously available for purchase only as an additional promo item at the Portal Games store and during conventions. With the Game of the Year edition of Detective, now all players will be able to enjoy this great tool.

Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game is a fully cooperative, deeply immersive, detective experience for 1 to 5 players taking on the roles of investigators trying to solve a crime. The game has been published in 10 languages and sold over 100.000 copies worldwide. It won many prominent awards and nominations including As d'Or Expert Game of the Year Award 2019, Dice Tower Best Theming Award 2018, nomination for Kennerspiel des Jahres 2019, nominations for Golden Geek Best Game of the Year 2019, Golden Geek Best Cooperative, Best Innovative and Best Thematic Game of the Year 2019.

The Detective line has seen further development by Portal Games. In 2019 it published L.A. Crimes expansion, which takes players to Los Angeles crime scene set in the 80's. In 2020 Portal Games launched the Detective: Signature Series – the line of single case expansions written by the best storytellers in the board game industry. The first expansion published in this series was Dig Deeper written by Rob Daviau with a theme dripping murder case set in Boston area in the 70's. The latest release in Portal Games' Detective line is Detective: Season One. It is a stand-alone game with 3 separate murder cases, each having a different setting and writing style. The game has streamlined rules, which makes it easier for casual players to enjoy. Next year Portal Games is releasing a brand new game borrowing from Detective mechanics, Vienna Connection, which transforms players into secret agents operating in the Cold War era in Europe.

Ignacy Trzewiczek, CEO of Portal Games

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