7 years ago many of you helped start the journey of the first big board game on The Game Crafter by backing our Kickstarter for The Captain is Dead. Today the next step in that journey is here: The Captain is Dead has become a digital game. Get ItReviews"I cannot stop singing the praises of this adaptation!" ~ MF Kraven "Best tutorial ever!" ~ Thunder Bob's Gaming Emporium "9 out of 10" ~ The Hexy Beast "I love it! This was very fun!" ~ Fellastorm "This will be amazing to watch people stream!" ~ Pixel Pop Network The GameIn case you're unfamiliar, The Captain is Dead is the last 10 minutes of your favorite show, but things have gone horribly wrong. The remaining crew must work together to get the jump core back online and get out of danger. It is based upon a board game published by both The Game Crafter and AEG. The video game version maintains all the mechanics of the board game, but in a digital form. Screen ShotsThese are actual screen shots from within the game. Get your copy today! The Game Crafter, LLC | 2609 Seiferth Rd, Madison, WI 53716 | www.thegamecrafter.com View this email online. You're receiving this email because you have an account at thegamecrafter.com and you're subscribed to our newsletter. To ensure our newsletter always reaches your inbox, please add newsletter@thegamecrafter.com to your address book. This mailbox is unattended, so please do not reply to this message. If you no longer wish to receive these emails you can unsubscribe. |
الخميس، 4 فبراير 2021
The Captain is Dead is now a video game!
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Hello, this is Ignacy Trzewiczek from Portal Games... ...