الأحد، 11 أبريل 2021

Better Analytics, Site Ideas, TCID Sale


Hello Community

March 2021 was the best month in the history of our company. Not only did we get a ton of orders, but we received massive amounts of photos and testimonials from happy customers. Our team loves seeing photos & feedback, so please continue sharing on social media and tag us. We love to show off your work!

Even with March being our best month ever, our amazing crafters have been able to keep production queues small & turnaround times quick! Regular orders have an estimated ship date of April 22 and bulk orders are May 5th. 2021 just keeps looking better and we're excited to see all the new projects you are creating. If you have games that don't play nicely, you might consider putting them in our new Prototype Lockup.

Better Analytics with GoatCounter


While our website provides basic statistics, (page views, nibbles, number of sales), it doesn't track page views over time, browser stats, or referrals. That's where a third-party analytics system can come in. We have integrated with a tool called GoatCounter. It has a silly name, but it's a serious tool that shows which pages have been hit, who referred the visitor, and what web browsers were used. This can help you track any marketing efforts you are making for your products on our site.

Check out our GoatCounter help documentation to learn how you can use it with The Game Crafter.

Site Ideas

Solo Duo Challenge

We're always seeking feedback from you, our community, so that we can use it to help guide us. Over the years, your input has strongly influenced our product catalog, the design of our website & game editor, and our services.

Our Site Ideas page is where you can submit new ideas and vote on the ideas from other people. When ideas get voted up towards the top of the list, we know the community wants it and our team tries to make it happen.

So visit our Site Ideas page and submit your ideas for new products, services, resources, and website features. If the community supports your idea then you may see your idea come to life!

The Captain Is Dead... and on Sale!


The version 1.1 update for The Captain Is Dead is here! It includes new crew, new features, and a special 30% off sale price for the IOS and Android versions. The sale ends soon, so don't miss out!

Protospiel Online - Next Week!


The next Protospiel Online event is next week. It begins at 12pm EST on Friday, April 16th and runs until Midnight EST on Sunday, April 18. As with all Protospiels, we're happy to be a sponsor and support the event. We hope you have a wonderful time playing games and getting feedback on your latest game designs.

Note: Protospiel Chicago & Protospiel Madison are later this year and are expected to be in-person events!

Solo Duo Challenge - Deadline: May 14th, 2021

Solo Duo Challenge

We partnered up with the Board Game Design Lab on the Solo Duo challenge, where you need to make a game that plays with 1 or 2 players.

Friendly Reminder: The submission deadline for games in this contest is May 14th, 2021.

Follow us on Instagram. Tag us in your photos and we might just share it!

The Game Crafter, LLC | 2609 Seiferth Rd, Madison, WI 53716 | www.thegamecrafter.com

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