This is Ignacy Trzewiczek, and this is another email from Poland! I hope you are doing awesome, and I hope the weather in your place is good. Here is Poland it sucks. It's cold, wet, it's not winter, not spring, it is the worst season of the year.
Yeah, that was me complaining. Now I feel much better.
Today I want to tell you about Neuroshima Hex: Battle, our introductory version of Neuroshima Hex - it's a small box, $25 (possibly modified by brilliant ideas with tariffs I heard of), two armies, and playing mat inside.
We picked Beasts and Steel Police armies to be in the box. Why these two? That's a good question - there is 20 (yeah, twenty!) different armies to choose from. Quite a choice.
First of all, theme - these two armies are so different. One is animals, frenzy, mutated beasts that are fierce, uncontrolled power. The other is humans in power armor, mighty Steel Police, that wanders around the wastelands, and like Judge Dredd, enforces the law. The theme for both of them stand out!
Then, the style - once again, both are so different. Beasts is an army that is super strong in close combat, an army that wants to grab the enemy, get their throat and do damage. It's aggressive, dedicated to close combat set of units. Steel Police is obviously opposite - it has units that can move, it has units that can shoot, its base has a Net ability to protect from most dangerous enemies, it plays sooooo diferently.
And then there are stats. Here in Poland we run for many years Neuroshima Hex Championship. We have a ton of data points. We have stats of every army playing every army in hundreds of games. And guess what - Steel Police and Beasts are perfect match, they are very close to 50% win ration, they make a combat marriage made in heaven.
So there is a theme. There is a play style. There is a balance.
Yep, we put some thought into it, it was not a random roll on d20.
Neuroshima Hex: Battle releases this summer, we are finishing some final details and in March we will send it to production.
Today, as a wink wink to you, our loyal and awesome subscriber, I have a tease - here is a work-in-progress of art we will have on the playing mat. It is not final, but in my humble opinion it already looks pretty neat.