Hello, this is Ignacy Trzewiczek from Portal Games...
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This is Ignacy Trzewiczek from Portal Games, and today I'm here to introduce you to the first chapter of my new book – Board Games That Tell Stories 3!
"At some point she – out of nowhere actually – says something like: "This weekend we played Robinson, me and my family. We had a great time. My mom was so excited that she was standing next to the table, because she just couldn't sit still. And you know, she is not a gamer, she never plays board games. We won. I know, I know, we played a few rules wrong, I double checked the rulebook after we finished the game. We had an amazing time together, though. It was great."
This is my oxygen.
This is why I work. This is why I stay up till 1AM cutting out prototype pieces and trying to play test the shit out of this mess. This is why I have the strength to struggle with a prototype that is not working the way I want it to work. This is why I will trash bad ideas and look for good ones over and over again. This is why I am ready for sleepless nights and for long weeks of bad mood when I can't find a solution and the prototype is not working.
I am ready for all this mess.
Because at the end of this struggle there is a family somewhere out there that will have a great time together.
And this is my oxygen."
| | "This book is a collection of articles I've written in recent years, a collection of reviews, reflections on the industry, and sometimes notes from working on one of my games. I hope it's interesting, I hope at times it's funny, and I hope it's worth your time. But at the same time, I know this won't be my last book. Even though after these 10 years, I finally took a break, stepped back into the shadows, stopped tinkering with another game, resigned from the position of CEO at Portal Games, returned to playing RPGs and wargames, and took a break from board games, you can still be sure that another book will come in a few years. Either I'll return to game designing and want to tell you about my next projects, or I'll finally retire, and as you know, retirement is a great time to write down the most outrageous memories. To tell you about how Eric Lang and I got stuck in a taxi with a crazy driver in Birmingham. About how I invited Bruno Faidutti for pierogi at the market square in Wrocław. Or how Bruno Cathala taught me to hunt hares.
I wish you a pleasant read and promise - to be continued..." | | | | Our latest vlog episode is now available! 👇 We're diving deep into the 3 unique mechanisms that make the "Thorgal: The Board Game" an unforgettable adventure! | | | | | |