Hello, hello, this is Ignacy Trzewiczek from Portal Games, and this is another letter from Poland to you.
I hope you are doing well. It's been a pretty good week here at Portal. We had another playtesting session of new armies for Neuroshima Hex and we have finally decided which army will be the one - the army officially released in 2025.
BTW: If you are not interested in ramblings from our HQ, you just scroll down directly to our Black Friday offer! ;)
Back to ramblings…
I also had an awesome call with a designer whose game we will release at Essen SPIEL next year. The prototype took me by surprise, and now I am crazy excited about developing the game with him. The theme is weird and unusual, and to be honest, at first I was not even interested in watching the introduction video, but then in the end I watched it and things turned upside down. The game was super interesting. Then I met with the designer, then finally I playtested the prototype, and of course I loved it and here we are - for Essen 2025 we will have something truly extraordinary. We will announce the game in January at Portalcon.
Unfortunately, this week we took one of the prototypes we were working on for a few months now and put it on hold. The game is missing something and we need to take a break, get some perspective, get back to it in a month or two. That's part of the job, sometimes these prototypes won't work no matter how hard you try…
On a good side, our dev prepared another free expansion for you - we will publish the PDF next week, stay tuned!
I hope you have a great weekend! Reach me at portal(at)portalgames.pl and tell me where you are from and what games you like from our collection. Always eager to hear from you guys!
Thank you Ignacy